Yes, we worked diligently to earn our CanadaGAP certification in 2018, demonstrating our serious
commitment to food safety. This achievement reflects our dedication to providing clients with produce
that is fresh, meets the global standards for safe food, and of the highest quality.

What do you say to an avocado who`s done a good job?
Why didn't the vegetable take the job?
The celery was too low!
What's the fastest vegetable in the world?
A runner bean
Why aren't bananas ever lonely?
Because they hang out in bunches!
We don't have any vegetable jokes yet...
so if you do, lettuce know!
What's the world's fastest fruit?
A tomato, nothing else can ketchup!
Keep Calm
and Carrot On
What is small, red, and whispers?
A hoarse radish!
Why did the grape stop in the middle of the road?
Because he ran out of juice!
What is corn-on-the-cob's favourite song?
A-MAIZE-ing Grace!
What do you say to an avocado who`s done a good job?
Why didn't the vegetable take the job?
The celery was too low!
What's the fastest vegetable in the world?
A runner bean
Why aren't bananas ever lonely?
Because they hang out in bunches!
We don't have any vegetable jokes yet...
so if you do, lettuce know!
What's the world's fastest fruit?
A tomato, nothing else can ketchup!
Keep Calm
and Carrot On
What is small, red, and whispers?
A hoarse radish!
Why did the grape stop in the middle of the road?
Because he ran out of juice!
What is corn-on-the-cob's favourite song?
A-MAIZE-ing Grace!