A bunch of carrots

You Grow

We Grow

Customer Service

We’re all about quality produce and exceptional customer service, which we believe is the key to building meaningful relationships with our clients and their customers.

Produce Wholesaler, City Wide Produce Design Component

Putting in

Those Extra Steps

If you’re a grocer, wholesaler, or restaurant owner who’s dissatisfied with your current produce experience, we can help. We only purchase #1 quality products and we make sure of this by only bringing in products from trustworthy suppliers.

It’s those extra steps that ensure our clients can serve their customers the best possible produce. In turn, this increases customer satisfaction and loyalty—which is what we’re all about.

City Wide Produce team photo

What is your biggest frustration as a produce retailer from your supplier?

A head of broccoli from city wide produce

Setting a fresher benchmark


Produce Quality

Produce quality is of utmost importance to us. Although quality issues are not unavoidable, we limit quality issues by making sure our buying cycles are no more than 3 days apart, so produce is never leftover for more than a few days. We also only purchase #1 quality products and we make sure of this by only bringing in products from trustworthy suppliers.

Phone sits in a bowl of tomatoes

Communication Matters


Customer Service

We have dedicated salespeople that will be working with you. They are responsible for all aspects of service for our clients, these include:

  • Pre-booking items and understanding their needs for the future.
  • Being available for any type of inquiry on products or pricing.
  • Dealing with any other issue that arises.

City Wide Produce has a saying, “You Grow, We Grow” and in order to grow you need a supplier who is reliable and available for your needs as you grow your business.

Three oranges are shown from city wide produce

Supplying Necessities


Access to the produce you need

We understand that in order to grow your business, you need your produce at the right time:

  • Shorter buying cycles and being in regular contact with our clients helps our clients plan when and how much to buy, to last them until the next shipment comes in.
  • We also don’t shy away from our regular items when the market is tight on product.
  • We have backup growers for all our regular products that are vetted for quality. This ensures that when a product is tight in the market, our clients will be informed beforehand, so they can plan how to proceed.

For example, say there is a cabbage shortage for the end of a week (Thursday/Friday), we will know about how the market will be changing a few days beforehand, thus we will be in contact with you to plan how to proceed, whether it’s adjusting the quantity on your earlier order or pre-booking product so that you will be guaranteed to receive product for the end of the week.

City Wide Produce delivery truck with tagline, you grow, we grow on the side.

Delivering Ease and Satisfaction

Abysmal Wait Times for

Delivery of Produce

We understand getting produce on time is of the utmost importance for our clients. As the saying goes, time is money, so we understand the need for reliability on delivery times and adjusting to what our client needs in regards to deliveries.

  • When starting out with City Wide Produce, we go through a questionnaire to better assess how to schedule your order booking as well as what time you will need orders.
  • We have dedicated days for each region in the lower mainland so that you know what days you will get your delivery. Because we do dedicated days for each region, we are able to get orders to you earlier in the day, as we are not bogged down with a wide distance between orders.
  • In the event of any delays, we will let you know the minute we know so that you are able to adjust accordingly.

Contact us for more information!



Click one of our representatives below to chat on WhatsApp or send us an email to info@citywideproduce.com
